Wednesday, December 16, 2009

this is a picture that i had took earlier in the year. i really like this picture in black and white it makes it have alot more emtion in it over all. i like how the image has kind of a mess in the back groun it makes me think of a man going throuhg that country side, to go with this his bike gets the feeling of a older picture.

Monday, December 14, 2009

i have been thinking of how i want to take my next pictures regardless to what it is. i want to get some vibrant pictures with snow in them makeing alot of the surronding areas pop because of the contrast. iam hopeing that the up comeing project is something exciting and to my tatste, the last project we had to do was not to my taste i had trouble combineing the pictures togther, so im iam hopeing this project gives us a wide range of ways to take photos.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

i this a picture that i used last year for one of my projects. i picked this picture because i edited it to look like HDR it didnt turn out how i wanted it to be, but i got a cool effect out of it. the island in the middle makes it look like the picture is poping and i like that about this and also the reflection on the water. the last thing i like about this picture is the colors within the image the green make the image pop overall makeing it more vibrant to the eye.

Monday, December 7, 2009

as of today iam working on my new project that has to do with s curves. i can be honest and i dont really know what iam doing for this project. there is so much i can do, for the most part i want to make it with a nature seen and adding smoke into it, this is because iam not so well with takeing pictures of people and adding stuff to them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

this picture is one of my previous projects, i like it because the angle of it, and the tint. i was aiming for a city photgraphy look. i edited it to get alot of the colors to pop out of the picture.

Monday, November 30, 2009

welcome back everyone, over our thanksgiveing break i had started working on my self guided project and tryed a new style. i wanted to try something new, putting my own twist on things. this mabe me experiment with new kinds of photography. i thought i would do this to expand my syle and combineing two in one.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i choose this pictue because i like how the wheel fills the frame. i decided to change it to a sepia tone to make it look like a old depression, broken down bike. i like how alot of the shadows and highlights pop out of the picture.

Monday, November 16, 2009

today i am workingthese new tutorials on how to make smoke on photoshop. our next project is revolving around generateing smoke into a image of some sort. the aristist that we are baseing our projects off of grahm jeffery. i am hopeing that these pictures turn out as good as possible, as of right now i dont know how things are going to turn out, but i will try my hardest to make things work.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

this is one picture that i have pulled out of one of my most recent projects, i wanted to make it look kind of old and creepy looking. i think for the most part i think that i have did this. i also like how there is a curve in the picture that makes your eyes lead around it.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Hi everyone,
ive finised my upcoming project everything has turned out they way i wanted it too, the theme of it goes togther vary well it has alot of city areas with nature in it which bring out many of the oranges, yellows and reds. my next thing i'am working on is my self guided project this has to do with what my personal style is. for the most part i'am going to take pictures of nature and the weird diffrent things of nature, i'am hpeing to get intresting pictures within this project.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

bricks apon bricks

this is a picture of one of my upcomeing projects, i like this picture because it had great contrast its bright and the gutter makes your eyes follow it, this also represents my style, it kinda of urban, i also like the how the bricks fade in color. as of right now this is the orginal copy but i plan on makeing it more of a redish color almost makeing it look like a old picture. the compsional rule i tryed useing in this was leading lined because the bricks go stright across with the gutter.

Monday, November 2, 2009

upcomeing project

i' am currently working on a project that has do with useing techinquies that make our pictures look old. i have the idea of makeing all of the pictures a redish cyan color to have a weird feel to them. i have took my style and applyed composional rules to them, hopefull they are going to work out to my taste. as of right now i think i got what i want but im still secound thinking myself. all in all i think that thisn project for me is going to be a sucess

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the loaned bike

i picked this particular picture, for the fact that it shows what kind of style i have. as of looking at this i concluded that i like takeing pictures of urban city photgrahpy. from my eyes i like the bright reds, browns , and organges in this picture giveing more of a catchy picture. i like to capture the randoms things in corners and this is a greast example, it almost makes me wonder what the rest of the bike looks like.

Monday, October 26, 2009

about me!

i came into the art world not knowing what to expect, drawing and takeing pictures of things that werent so good to a artist eye, as years went by i decied to push my self to do better and strive for what looks good, putting myself in a stand point of a good artist and think how they would think. i progressed and started drawing to the best of my ability and takeing pictures of thing i never thought i would before. i focus on photgraphy for the most part now, as a photgrapher i have a style, which i like to call "uranized city photography" or "street photo", captureing pictures of little corners with leaves a brush in outtrutting out of cracks or hanging off of rusted pipes, caturing a broke down wall, bikes, and old cellers. in essence i like to capture a ugly picture and make it into a conciterable picture that somone might come across and think of it as beatiful in a ugly way. haveing that feeling of i've seen that before or wheres that at is what i aim for, or haveing a older looking picture that may cennect with somones past tense, in like manner jogging there memorie!.